Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Blessing Fathers

This is kinda late for Father's Day, however, it is better late than never. :D
Some thoughts from The Daily Word.


Blessing Fathers

With love and gratitude, I pray for fathers everywhere.

Jesus shared the essence of our Creator's love when He prayed, "Our Father." We recognize and give thanks for our "heavenly Father," who loves each of us unconditionally.

Today is an opportunity to celebrate the sacredness of fatherhood in all its forms. As we pray for fathers today, we give thanks for their wisdom, patience, humor, and love. As nurturing caregivers and thoughtful mentors, they encourage us to develop our strengths and reach for our dreams, while modeling integrity and character. Ideally, they support, but do not interfere with, us becoming all that God created us to be.

We honor these dear ones and our memories of them in their roles as parents, teachers, and friends.

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven."--Matthew 5:16


Let us always be greatful to our fathers because they have loved us. As our Pastor's preaching implies, it is the Father's great responsibility in nation building because their guidance and role modelling is what the children are looking up to.

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